Cancellation Policy
Your order can only be cancelled if it is yet to be shipped. To cancel, please write to our customer support team on
In such cases, the order will be cancelled and the refund shall be processed by us within 7 business days after the cancellation request has been acknowledged.
Orders once shipped cannot be cancelled.
Refund Policy
Returns will only be accepted for products that have been damaged in transit or products that have physical defects or in case of incorrect product been shipped. An email with photos of the damaged/incorrect product should be sent within the stipulated time in order for us to accept the request.
Should you wish to return all or part of your order, you need to inform us within 48 hours of receipt of the products by writing to us on
Returns will not be accepted if the product has been used and/or the seal has been broken for the product and/or the serial number has been tampered with. On receipt of the returned product, OTBT will proceed to inspect the same and validate the claim.
Once approved as an eligible return, a refund or replacement will be issued. If the product is found to be ineligible for return, the product will be couriered back to you.
If you made an online payment, we will refund the amount back in the original source (debit/credit card, bank, wallet, etc) within 7 working days of receiving the request from you.
For COD orders, we will refund the amount to your bank account within 14 working days of requesting a refund.